
Nearly ninety percent of the students are resident. A number of dormitories have been established over the years and these have been organized according to the gender and the age groups of the children. Most of the dormitories are located above the classrooms.

The schools do not take any charge from parents for the accommodation and meals provided. Many of the children come from modest backgrounds and quite a number from impoverished homes. It is therefore a fact that the quality of living standards and meals that the schools provide are in many cases much higher than what they would experience in their own homes. All the basic amenities have been provided and the schools place a high priority on improving facilities further.

In Jaffna, we adopt similar practices. The fact that the homes of the children are not too far away enable a greater percentage of children at the Nuffield School, Kaithadi, Jaffna, to travel from their homes than at Ratmalana schools.